← the dead zoo

the dead zoo is named after the house where Owen, Robin, Sam, and Will lived for five years in Mountain View. It's name comes from the menagerie of taxidermied animals that a former roommate used to practice her craft.

A blurry photo of a projector screen featuring Harry sinking deeper into the world of miniature equine aficiando, with bottles and candy strewn about in front of the screen.

From roughly 2015 until the start of the ongoing unpleasantness in 2020 the dead zoo hosted a board game night every Monday. Monday was selected as an easy day to consistently host events because who has plans on Mondays? Guests were encouraged to bring something to share, or nothing, or whatever, the point was to get together and eat food and sometimes play board games.

During the ongoing unpleasantness of 2020 the final members of the dead zoo moved out to the Santa Cruz mountains, and now that people can sometimes get together without being as wildly unsafe they're hosting some events in the mountains. Those events can be found at /events.